Friday, January 7, 2011

Where everybody knows your name

This is a cafe where I have quite literally grown up and will be sorry to say goodbye to when I leave the country for a number of years. Even when I lived in Melbourne I was still a regular visitor here. I started coming here as a youngster with my mother when it was just the right hand side of the building with only a  coffee machine, home made gelati and a wall of records for sale.

I've taken probably all my girlfriends there, had crushes on the waitresses and developed a fondness for jazz that I never thought possible. I love the colour palette and the soft lighting that gives the place it's own special ambience. I dearly hope that its much the same when I return to Oz and that one day I can take my own children there for a chocolate milkshake and begin their education on Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Louis Armstrong.


  1. we'll all miss you James and I promise I wont let your mum replace you for l'espresso James( if thats possible) Sorry never made it to your b'day/ newyears party but I wish you and flick all the best in your adventure together.. x

  2. Thanks Heidi, Flic and I are going to miss you!!! I'm sure my quest for a decent coffee worthy of you in Singapore will make it to my blog.
