Thursday, August 30, 2012

The next Blockbusters...

This is not a wish list, but rather a satirical look at what we might expect to be given the green light in Hollywood over the next 12 months.

Mario Bros: The 90’s one and its Roxette song is pretty much forgotten anyway. Expect mushrooms and coins in full 3D glory.

John Lennon- Zombie Killer: You really bought all that “give peace a chance” stuff? In a zombie apocalypse, happiness truly is a warm gun.

Back To The Future IV: Marty and Jennifer’s kids perfect the Flux Capacitator. Michael J Fox to make a brief cameo as his current aged self. His younger self will be computer generated.

 The Life & Death of Kurt Cobain: Hollywood loves its musician biopics at the moment so this one was inevitable. Watch for Michelle Williams as Courtney Love.

Hallelujah: Yup, another muso biopic of the dreamy Jeff Buckley starring James Franco.

Labyrinth: A classic needlessly remade by Tim Burton with (can you guess?) Johnny Depp replacing Bowie as Jareth. Helena Bonham Carter to play the old lady with the impossible amount of junk of her back.

The Legend of Zelda: Disney. 3D......What? .....That’s it.

A Tale of Two Cities: Frock dramas are still in vogue and Mr Nolan showed how topical this classic piece of literature is in today’s socio-economic climate. Expect names like Fassbender, Knightley, Jackman and Hathaway.

The Big ‘W’: The Coens do a suitably offbeat remake of It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World complete with modern soundtrack, blood and manic car chases.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Bourne Legacy reviewed

When I first heard about this film I let out a dejected sigh of despair at the endlessly frustrating trend in Hollywood to green light films that for the most part are remakes/ reboots/ sequels/ prequels of existing franchises. The major studios are only prepared to spend money on something that already has what the industry calls a ready-made market. And so, we get another Bourne film. Didn’t the Jason Bourne storyline finish? He found out the answer to his burning question didn’t he? He became who he was because he willingly joined the top secret CIA program.

Then we find out that this film is not about Bourne, Matt Damon isn’t even in it. It takes place at the same time as many of the events in the last couple of Bourne films but this story focuses another rogue operative in a similar program to the one Bourne was on the run from/ trying to find out about. The premise here then, is that Bourne was just the “tip of the iceberg”. Sure. That makes sense. But can this premise translate into a convincing film that fits into the existing and highly successful franchise?

The answer is, yes it can. This could have been a desperate rehash of old material, an attempt to squeeze the last drops out of a concluded story arch, not to mention box office cash. Instead what we get is a smart thriller that cleverly weaves a new story arch into the old one of the CIA in full damage control mode as they try to shut down all their top secret programs involving highly trained and biologically altered intelligence operatives before the whole thing blows up in their faces.

Director Tony Gilroy wrote the first three films and became the logical man to replace Paul Greengrass at the helm. Taking over leading man duties is Jeremy Renner. I have to state that even though I thoroughly enjoyed the first film, liked the second and was bored by the third, I just don’t like Matt Damon. There’s just something about his whole presence on screen that really grates me. So even though, I was initially sceptical about yet another Bourne film, I was simultaneously intrigued to see whether or not Renner had the requisite charisma to carry the film. I think he does. He’s not a conventionally ‘pretty’ young man doing his best to look tough on screen like the woeful Channing Tatum or the ‘wooden’ -is-an-insult-to-trees, Chris Hemmsworth. Rather Renner is a man with lines on his face, acne scars and a twinkle in his green eyes that sells a man of both mental and physical agility, capable of leaping across roofs and racing motorbikes through the chaos of sweaty Bangkok.  

Also helping to ground the film with an emotional believability is biochemist on the run Rachel Weis who is my opinion, can rarely put a foot wrong. Nor for that matter can Edward Norton so you know the backing cast are going to pull their weight. Cameos and existing footage from the previous films sell the fact that we’re still very much in the Bourne universe as do the global locations and a shooting style almost a perfect replication of the work done by Oliver Wood in the other three films.

The Bourne Legacy contains all the elements loved by fans of the previous films including great action sequences, beautifully shot locations around the world, trip wire taught dialogue and a great score. Renner and Weis have a chemistry on screen which sustains the required amount of empathy from the audience. Renner also has a confidence more akin to Daniel Craig’s macho bravado as Bond that steers him clear of the whinny introspection that Damon’s Bourne at times descended into.

If you liked the last films, you will not be disappointed with this instalment and if like me, will eagerly anticipate another Renner instalment as you watch the trademark long camera pan away of the last shot to the familiar strings that begin the Bourne credits theme.